『GARNiDELiA premier stellacage Starry Camp in 土浦』オフィシャルグッズ特典会詳細決定!

特典会につきまして、チェキフィルムの入手が困難となっている状況や撮影時のアクシデントを避ける 為、特典会はチェキでの撮影でなくお客様のスマートフォンでの撮影に変更させていただきます。

※ご購入いただけるグッズの購入上限数は会期前・途中に関わらず予告なく変更になる場合が ございます。

3ショット撮影会 会場にてGARNiDELiAオフィシャルグッズを、1回のお会計20,000円(税込)お買い上げで、


 画面録画やiPhoneのLivePhotos機能等の動画撮影ができる状態の場合、 スタッフがスマートフォンを操作させていただくことがあります。
・撮影後、写真の写りを必ず確認してください。 不具合がありましたらスタッフまでお声がけください。
アーティストの肖像権並びに、著作権の侵害であり違法となるため、 写真の切り抜き・無断転載は一切禁止です。
・3ショット撮影会の参加券をお持ちの方へご整列のご案内をさせて頂きます。誘導員の指示に 従ってください。


Thank you very much for your continued patronage.
Regarding the special event, in order to avoid instax film shortages and accidents during shooting, the special event will be changed to shooting with the customer’s smartphone instead of using instax.

【Information on purchasing】
Each product is limited to 3 purchases per transaction.
It is possible to line up again and purchase.
* The number of products is limited. Please note that it is out of stock.
* The maximum number of goods that can be purchased is subject to change without notice, regardless of whether it is before or during the exhibition.
* The number of purchase limits is subject to change without notice, regardless of whether it is before or during the exhibition period at each venue.

【About goods purchase benefits】
3-shot photo session
At the venue, you will receive a participation ticket for the 3-shot photo event with a one-time purchase of 20,000 yen (tax included) of GARNiDELiA official goods.

【Basic requirements for photo session】
・A participation ticket will be given for every ¥20,000 spent per venue and  transaction.
・Up to 10 photos can be taken in total per person.

【Precautions for participating in the 3-shot photo meeting】 
・ Please line up according to the guidance of the staff.
・The photo will be taken using your smartphone.
・Please open the camera app in advance and hand it to the filming staff. ・Unable to take photos using the front camera.
・Video recording is prohibited.
 If you are in a state where you can record videos
 such as screen recording or iPhone’s LivePhotos function,  Staff may be required to operate smartphones.
・Please decide on a pose in advance before participating. ・Excessive contact (hugging, etc.) with members is prohibited. ・Make sure to check the photo after shooting.
If you have any problems, please contact the staff.
Please note that no retaking is allowed after the photo session ends for any reason.
・Cutting out or reproducing photos without permission is strictly prohibited,
 as it is a violation of the artist’s portrait rights and copyright, and is therefore illegal.
・ There is a standing position mark at the foot, so please stand in that position.
・ Staff will take the photo for you.
・ We will guide you to line up for those who have a participation ticket for the  
3-shot photo meeting. Please follow the instructions of the guide. ・ Transfer or resale of participation tickets is prohibited.

We ask for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring the safe and smooth progress of the special event.

关于是次特別活动,因应难以获得instax相机胶片,以及避免拍摄过程中发生意外的情况,特别活动将 改为使用顾客的智能手机拍摄,而不是使用instax相机。


於会场购买GARNiDELiA 官方商品,
单次结账每满 20,000 日元(含税)即可获得三人合照活动的参加券。

・各个会场的单次结账每满 20,000 日元,将赠送一张参加券。

・无法进行视频录制。  如果处于可以使用iPhone的LivePhotos功能录制屏幕或录制视频的状态,  拍摄人员可能需要操作您的智能手机。
・禁止与成员过度接触(如拥抱)。 ・拍摄结束后,请务必检查照片。如有问题,请告知工作人员。 ※无论因何种原因,当天活动结束后不接受重新拍摄。 ・严禁未经许可剪切或转载照片,因为此举有机会构成侵权行为。
・拍摄时请站於标记的位置 。
・照片将由拍摄人员为您拍摄。 ・我们将引导持有三人合照活动参加券的人士排队。请遵循工作人员的指示。 ・禁止转让或转售参加券。

